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CCleaner Free


Our standard FREE version frees up space, clears your online tracks and helps you manage your machine so it runs faster.

Award-winning PC Optimization

Trusted by millions and critically acclaimed, there’s a reason why CCleaner is the world’s favorite PC optimization tool! Easy to use, one click cleaning so beginners can optimize their computers in seconds. Plus, it’s packed with advanced features for power users.



Speccy Free

See what’s inside your PC ~ Detailed Reporting ~ Save Snapshots

1. Speccy is the place to start if you need to know what’s inside your PC. See a quick summary, or dive deeper into every aspect of your PCs hardware so you can make informed upgrade and purchasing decisions. Speccy also gives you detailed information on every piece of hardware in your computer. Save time trawling through your computer for stats like CPU, motherboard, RAM, graphics cards and more. See everything laid out for you in one clean interface. See real-time temperatures of critical components so you can easily spot problems before they occur.

2. Speccy allows you to save your scan results directly as a snapshot, XML or text file for easy sharing. Handy for making sure your new computer has the right specs, or if tech support need to diagnose an issue with your computer.


Classic Shell Free

Do you miss the great old Windows start button where you could find all your programs? Do you hate the cumbersome and gaudy Windows 10 tiles? Well then you are going to love Classic Shell.

Classic Shell™ is free software that improves your productivity, enhances the usability of Windows and empowers you to use the computer the way you like it! The main features are:

Start button style for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10!
Highly customizable start menu with multiple styles and skins instead of tiles!
Quick access to recent, frequently-used, or pinned programs and caption and status bar for Internet Explorer!
Find programs, settings, files, documents and a toolbar and status bar for Windows Explorer!

